
Ibertrasa / Cooking

The four pillars of a successful restaurant are its chef and team, the ingredients and the kitchen in which they work. Ibertrasa falls into the third concept; we work with the most innovative products in the area of industrial kitchens to materialize the concept of a human team. Our experience of more than 20 years in the sector of industrial kitchen designs led us to work with the best brands of professional kitchens, such as Charvet, Lainox, Ambach and Firex, among others, the products of which provide excellent cooking capabilities which require minimum maintenance while delivering the best possible results.


We count on industrial kitchen appliances easy-to-use with automatic control thanks to the use of advanced technology which allows to adjust time and temperature parameters.


Ibertrasa offers a wide range of solutions ofindustrial kitchen for your catering project covering all the needs of industrial kitchens, whether these needs are timely replacements, the purchase of professional appliances or a comprehensive project.


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